Revised Estimates 2010

Posted on Sunday, 25 July 2010

The 2010 Revised Estimates Volume (REV) provides additional details and 

information in relation to the allocations contained in the 2010 Budget Estimates 

which were set out in the Budget on 9 December 2009. As a general principle, and in 

keeping with the largely technical nature of the REV, the majority of Vote totals, 

Current-Capital provisions, and Subhead allocations remain unchanged, except for the 


• The changes arising from the reductions in rates of pay, decline in public 

service numbers and other related adjustments announced in the Budget which 

were shown as a single “payroll and related adjustments” subhead in the 

Budget Estimates, have now been fully apportioned across each individual 

Vote, with adjustments in some cases to reflect updated information. 

• An adjustment to the amount to be transferred to Vote 32 (Transport) from the 

Local Government Fund (LGF) for the purpose of funding Non-National 

Roads and a consequential adjustment to the LGF allocation from Vote 25 

(Environment, Heritage & Local Government). This adjustment reflects more 

properly the level of the expenditure that will arise in this context. 

• Gross expenditure and/or Net Expenditure on some Votes has been adjusted to 

reflect some changes in outturns, including as regards Appropriations-in-Aid, 

relative to expectations at Budget time.