Public Participation Networks - Launch of the 2023 Annual Report

In 2014, the Local Government Act was amended to introduce Public Participation Networks (PPNs). They were set up to provide a mechanism by which citizens can have a greater say in local government decisions which affect their own communities. Real participation goes beyond voting (representative democracy) to a situation where people and government work in partnership to co-create infrastructure and services, solve problems and work towards the well-being of all in this generation and the generations to come (deliberative democracy). By definition, such an approach requires a leaving aside of power differentials, and making a specific effort to ensure that the voices and views of people who are not traditionally influential are heard and taken into account.
The PPN recognises the contribution of volunteer-led organisations to local economic, social and environmental capital. It facilitates input by these organisations into local government through a structure that ensures public participation and representation on decision-making committees within local government. These PPNs have been established in every local authority area in Ireland.
By the end of 2023, over 19,063 community and voluntary, social inclusion and environmental organisations were members of a PPN. Over 926 PPN representatives were elected to over 343 committees on issues such as strategic policy, local community development, joint policing and so on.

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In the foreword by Minister of State with responsibility for Community Development and Charities, Minister Joe O'Brien states that "While there were many highlights in 2023, for my own part, I was very pleased to launch the PPN national awareness campaign. The campaign focused on communicating the benefits of PPN membership to community and voluntary groups. It also launched the new PPN brand identity and highlighted some of the many success stories of PPNs. Analysis of the campaign found that the audience reach for the period was over 2 million readers and over 12 million digital ad impressions. Climate action remained a high priority for PPNs in 2023, in keeping with the role they play in helping to meet our national climate objective of transitioning to a climate resilient, biodiversity rich, environmentally sustainable and climate neutral economy by the end of 2050. Under the Climate Action Act, local authorities must consult with PPNs in the development of local Climate Action Plans. In this way, the volunteers that make up PPNs can feed their invaluable on-the-ground experiences and knowledge into local climate planning. Examples of the work PPNs have undertaken in this area are included in this Annual Report."
The full text of the PPN Annual Report 2023 is available HERE.