Government should use its final Budget to adopt recurring taxation and expenditure measures which prioritise building resilience, protect vulnerable groups and invest in much needed infrastructure…
The notion of care has often been undervalued and inadequately addressed within policy frameworks. Yet, the receiving and giving of care is woven through the life cycle, in early years, later years…
It is long past time for Government to make care a public policy priority and to put in place the supports for families, communities and individuals to ensure that those who need care can access it…
Trust is an invisible thread woven through the fabric of society. Trust influences everything from personal relationships to global economies. We live in a society that is experiencing rapid…
In today’s (Thursday July 11th) Budget Forum, hosted by Minister for Social Protection, Heather Humphreys TD, Social Justice Ireland call on Government to prioritise vulnerable households…
Government should use its final Budget to close the income gaps which have opened as a result of temporary measures in last year’s budget. These measures, concentrated among welfare dependent…
For its last Budget, Government should use windfall tax surpluses to ensure our social infrastructure keeps pace with population growth. To date Government has failed to use years of economic growth…
In this socio-economic review for 2024 Social Justice Ireland presents a detailed analysis of a range of key matters which are central to social justice; a vision of Ireland’s future as a…
Ireland is going through several major transitions which will transform how our society and economy function. These transitions are already well underway. Climate change is taking its toll on both…
Social Justice Ireland welcomes comments by new Taoiseach Simon Harris TD in his inaugural speech on the need for a new social contract. It is important to acknowledge that despite well…