Five priorities for the 32nd Dáil
General Election 2016 comes at a critical moment for Ireland. Decisions made in the next Dáil will have major impacts on Irish people and shape the future for a considerable time to come. In this General Election Briefing, Social Justice Ireland sets out proposals for the 32nd Dáil that would deliver a vibrant economy, decent services and infrastructure, just taxation, good governance and sustainability.
It is very important that voters focus on where they believe Ireland should be in ten years time. Consequently they should consider four key questions:
What services and infrastructure are required?
How are these to be delivered?
How are these services and infrastructure to be paid for?
How can we maintain a vibrant and sustainable economy and society while travelling towards that destination.
The answers to these questions should guide how people vote in this General Election.
Whether or not the decisions of the next Government produce a just and sustainable future depends on those elected to the 32nd Dáil. They will decide the priorities to guide policy and shape Budget decisions each year. They will also decide whether Ireland is a nation committed to solidarity and sustainability or whether it becomes a nation where greed triumphs over need.

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