Launch of PPN Handbook and Annual Report 2019

Posted on Thursday, 19 November 2020
ppn handbook 2020

PPN Handbook

According to the Department:

"This Handbook sets out the best practice now in place across PPNs across all 31 Local Authority areas.  As the PPNs continue to grow and change with the needs of their Member Groups and communities, the Handbook will also change with those needs.  And so, the Handbook will be reviewed and updated regularly. 

The Handbook is designed to support the people and groups who are part of the PPN (also known as the Stakeholders) to access the information they need when they need it.  Each of these groups have their own section, which means they should have all of the information they need in one place without having to go through all of the others."

The full text of the Handbook is available HERE.

PPN Annual Report 2019

According to the Minister of State, Joe O'Brien, in the Foreword to this Report:

"In cities and counties around the country, PPNs regularly hold workshops and public consultations to facilitate this engagement and discuss the issues impacting local communities. The work of the PPN is a valuable tool in informing Local Authorities of the views and needs of the communities they serve.

As our population has grown and diversified, so too has the need for more community engagement. And PPNs are rising to this challenge: the growth of PPNs has continued in 2019, with 15,599 organisations in a PPN by the end of 2019 – an increase of over 1,600 in just one year. We are fortunate that Ireland has a strong cohort of volunteer-run groups around the country, and PPNs provide the means for these groups to input meaningfully into the ongoing development of their communities."

The full text of the PPN Annual Report 2019 is available HERE.