SDGs in a Pandemic - Improving Ireland's Progress

Posted on Friday, 24 July 2020
sdgs policy brief 2020

The effects of COVID-19 will take the heaviest toll on the most vulnerable, both nationally and internationally.  The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - a series of 17 high level goals based on 169 targets and over 230 indicators can provide a framework to refocus efforts towards policies to directly help people and communities in the long run and to provide a pathway out of poverty.  In our latest policy briefing, we look at Ireland's progress towards the SDGs and provide a series of policy recommendations to improve it.

Deficits in current policy thinking have now been highlighted. We can no longer pretend that these inequalities do not exist.  We need a new way of thinking and a new Social Contract. This Social Contract should be aligned to the SDGs to work towards a recovery where no one is left behind.