Community and Voluntary Pillar says fiscal adjustment should be achieved in a 2:1 ratio between tax increases and expenditure cuts- 2012

Posted on Wednesday, 23 March 2011

The Community & Voluntary Pillar has said that the fiscal adjustment in 2012 and beyond should be achieved in a 2:1 ratio between tax increases and expenditure cuts. 

The Community & Voluntary Pillar said that it is important to remind ourselves that Ireland is not a poor country – our total tax-take is one of the lowest in the developed world – and that we do have choices. Choices exist even within the terms of Ireland’s Bailout Agreement with the IMF/ECB/EC.

“At the conclusion of the Troika’s inspection of Ireland in July 2011, they said in a statement that it is the duty of Government to protect the vulnerable in the adjustments being made in Ireland. In addition, it’s clear that the Government is free to adjust the terms of the Bailout Agreement on condition that the final outcome remains the fiscal adjustment to which the Agreement commits Ireland