Delivering a Basic Income Pilot - Videos and Presentations

It is possible to implement a Basic Income for artists and art workers. Social Justice Ireland's latest study shows that the Government could honour its commitment to pilot a Universal Basic Income by introducing a Basic Income for artists as proposed recently by the Arts and Culture Recovery Taskforce Report. This initiative would have minimal costs to the Exchequer and could be implemented from 1st January 2022.
Watch Dr. Seán Healy, Colette Bennett and Seán Ward of Social Justice Ireland present the history, benefits and study, with responses from Angela Dorgan, CEO of First Music Contact and Chair of the National Campaign for the Arts and Michael Taft, Economist with SIPTU.
You can also download the presentations from the event:
- Colette Bennett - Presentation - Why is Basic Income a Good Idea?
- Seán Ward - Presentation - Basic Income Pilot
Social Justice Ireland's full papers from the event are available HERE.
Don't have time to watch but really want to listen to our proposals? Click below to listen to Seán Ward's presentation on our podcast!

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