Budget Choices 2024

Budget 2024 should be guided by one core principle, that the measures adopted prioritise the protection of the most vulnerable groups in our society. Government must learn from the mistakes of the past and adopt recurring taxation and expenditure measures in Budget 2024 which prioritise the protection of the most vulnerable groups in our society and further protect them, if needed, from ongoing aspects of the cost-of-living crisis.
As a country we face some significant challenges, but we are also in the unprecedented position where we are in receipt of windfall gains from corporate tax revenue. With careful management, prioritising the long-term interests of Irish society, and strategic investment in one-off infrastructure projects, Government, through a social dialogue process could use this as the foundation of a new social contract which would commit the state and social partners to improving economic management with a view to enhancing the standard of living, quality of life and wellbeing of all the republic’s residents.
Missed the launch or just want to hear the proposals again?
Unfortunately, due to a technical glitch, the video did not record. But don't worry! We recorded a video podcast to go through our proposals and respond to your queries. Podcast available in video (below) or audio format.