Child poverty does not exist in a vacuum. Children live in families, households, and societies. They are impacted by the physical environment in which they live. While the establishment of a Child…
Budget 2024 must ensure that our investment strategy supports the ambition of the climate action plan, a just transition to a green economy, emission reductions, and expedites progress towards our…
Children are one of the most vulnerable groups in any society. Consequently, the issue of child poverty deserves particular attention. The current surplus of resources available to the Government…
Uncertainty once again dominates Ireland’s social and economic outlook and frames the context for Budget 2024. The Budget must respond to the ongoing cost of living challenges, particularly for lower…
Adequate levels of social welfare are essential to addressing poverty. Income adequacy cannot be addressed by one-off measures.Without the social welfare system just over one-third of the Irish…
A robust social dialogue process is urgently required to deal with the many multi-faceted and integrated challenges that Ireland faces. These challenges will not be resolved overnight, but real…
‘Tracking Distributive Effects of Budget Policy – 2023 edition’ is the latest publication in Social Justice Ireland's Budget series. The briefing finds that Budget 2023’s legacy will be to…
The Community and Voluntary sector proved to be a vital part of the national response at local level to the pandemic, the recent increases in the cost of basic goods and services and in assisting new…
Ireland is currently experiencing full employment, with an unemployment rate at an historic low of just 3.8 per cent in May 2023. However, the cost of living crisis is having a devastating impact on…
Investment in the regions is vital to addressing the many challenges Rural Ireland faces including an older population, higher rates of part-time employment, lower median incomes, higher poverty…