In our Budget Choices 2023 submission, Social Justice Ireland called for an additional €1.4bn to be made available for social housing construction by Local Authorities and AHBs.…
Less than 24 hours after Budget 2023 was announced, Social Justice Ireland produce the first comprehensive analysis of the Budget - the winners, the losers and what needs to happen next.…
The Government’s Budget 2023 widened the rich/poor gap by €199 next year. Despite the welcome temporary measures to address the cost of living and energy crisis, in the long run this Budget will be…
According to data from the Property Price Register released by the CSO, the number of new home purchases increased steadily from 2010 to 2019, before dipping slightly in 2020 and rising again in 2021…
Budget 2023 must address Ireland’s poor performance on delivering basic infrastructure. At an international level, Ireland is ranked 41st out of 63 countries for basic infrastructure according to the…
Access to adequate housing is a fundamental human right. Without proper shelter it is virtually impossible to participate fully in society, to live a life with dignity, or to protect ones health and…
Social Justice Ireland welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the consultation process on a referendum on a Right to Housing. We believe strongly in the importance of developing a…
Government must do more to protect vulnerable households against the impact of mortgage rate increases. One in twenty people with a mortgage were living in poverty in 2021. When mortgage interest is…
In October 2020, the Irish Government published its first paper on the introduction of a Wellbeing Framework and, since then, has been working on what should be included to measure how well Ireland…
Locked Out of the Market is a quarterly report published by the Simon Communities of Ireland based on a snapshot survey conducted over three consecutive days. This latest version (the 26th in the…