The Government has recently published the National Housing Strategy for Disabled People, 2022-2027. The stated vision for the strategy is "To facilitate disabled people to live independently with…
When the Government’s new housing strategy, Housing for All, was published, much was made of the targets to build 33,000 new homes every year, including 90,000 social homes over the period 2021 to…
Housing and Poverty 2022 is a special edition policy briefing issued by Social Justice Ireland. It aims to provide an update on the impact of housing costs (mortgage interest and rent) on…
The poverty risk of households in receipt of housing subsidies is two and a half times greater after they have paid their rent, according to Social Justice Ireland’s latest study, titled ‘…
The latest data released from the CSO indicate that 13.2 per cent of the population, more than 660,000 people, were at risk of poverty in 2020. But the cost of accommodation is not included in these…
Problems for tenants with the high cost of accommodation as a proportion of their income and arrears on mortgage, rent and utility bills are an indication of the continued social and economic impact…
According to the latest data from the Central Statistics Office (CSO), new dwelling completions fell by 7.7 per cent in Q3 2021, compared to the same period last year. Less than 5,000 homes were…
Housing for All commits to “working towards” eliminating homelessness by 2030 while simultaneously committing to increase resources for emergency homeless accommodation. A commitment to actually…
The Government’s Housing for All plan preceded Budget 2022. Our analysis of this plan shows that it fails to recognise the true scale of the housing crisis and Budget 2022 seems to fall even …
The Government's Housing for All Strategy committed to considering an extension to the Help to Buy Scheme for first time buyers, due to expire in 31 December 2021, and to reviewing it to ensure that…