Social Justice Ireland presents a viable policy framework that would secure both solidarity and sustainable recovery in the decade ahead.
The IMF has just published the 8th Review and Country Report on Ireland. The report outlines the substantial challenges facing Ireland in 2013. Growth projections for our trading partners have been revised down and domestic demand is expected to contract again in 2013. The IMF also notes that if growth projections for 2013 were to disappoint, any additional fiscal consolidation should be deferred to 2015 to protect the recovery.
Seán Healy, Director of Social Justice Ireland recently contributed a piece to the Sunday Business Post on the need for accurate social analysis to underpin Government policy decisions. T
At a briefing to Oireachtas Members the Community and Voluntary Pillar (CVP) called on the Government to make decisions that are fair and just, that protect the vulnerable and ensure that the cost
The Department of Environment, Community and Local Government on the reform of local government was published in 2012.
It would be totally unacceptable for Government to introduce a process of social dialogue that would benefit the rich and exclude the rest of us according to Social Justice Ireland, commenting on a
The first definitive results of the 2011 census, undertaken on 10th April 2011, show that Ireland’s population continued to grow strongly from 2006, increasing by 348,404 to 4,588,252, and that the
Minister Richard Bruton has announced the launch of the Government’s multi-annual Action Plan for Jobs.
The Community & Voluntary Pillar has said that the fiscal adjustment in 2012 and beyond should be achieved in a 2:1 ratio between tax increases and expenditure cuts. The Pillar made its comments at a briefing for media and members of the Oireachtas on their latest document, Choosing a Viable Future in Precarious Times. Document can be downloaded form here