Earlier this week, on Wednesday 13th September 2023, the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC) as Ireland’s National Rapporteur on Human Trafficking published their second …
The establishment of a Child Poverty and Well-being Programme Office in the Department of the Taoiseach was a key step towards delivering on the Taoiseach’s commitment "to make Ireland the best…
Child poverty does not exist in a vacuum. Children live in families, households, and societies. They are impacted by the physical environment in which they live. While the establishment of a Child…
A robust social dialogue process is urgently required to deal with the many multi-faceted and integrated challenges that Ireland faces. These challenges will not be resolved overnight, but real…
The Community and Voluntary sector proved to be a vital part of the national response at local level to the pandemic, the recent increases in the cost of basic goods and services and in assisting new…
In 2022, the number of women killed in violent circumstances was the highest in 10 years. Between Q3 2021 and Q3 2022, 83 per cent of all recorded victims of sexual offences knew the reported suspect…
As of early June 2023, there were 21,270 people living in Direct Provision and emergency international protection accommodation spread across 205 locations, 2 of which are temporary tented sites. In…
Budget 2024 should be guided by one core principle, that the measures adopted prioritise the protection of the most vulnerable groups in our society. There must be no repetition of the outcome of…
Budget 2024 should be guided by one core principle, that the measures adopted prioritise the protection of the most vulnerable groups in our society. Government must learn from the mistakes of the…
The preliminary results from Census 2022 record a population in April of 2022 of 5,123,536 persons. This is an increase of 361,671 people (7.6 per cent) from Census 2016 and the highest population…