The Draft EU Constitution second draft - a reader friendly edition with highlighted words and comments in the margins - May 28, 2003. [This does not contain Part III of the draft constitut
An Interim Assessment of Europe's National Social Inclusion Strategies - February 2007 Please find the entire document can be downloaded below
The European Commission has proposed that solidarity and social protection should be built on so as to smooth the impact of the economic crisis and to help recovery. In its proposals for the Repor
A second CRE was announced by Minister Brendan Howlin in his Budget speech on 15 October 2013 and this Review is intended to update the multi-annual expenditure ceilings for the succeeding three ye
2003 June 9: CORI Justice Commission publishes its submission on private property.
The world arranged itself around a distribution between sovereign states, with each state taking
A large empirical literature is emerging on the determinants of happiness and mental well-being. As would be expected, this topic has attracted attention from medical
Draft Charter of Emerging Human Rights We are entitled more rights than we thought. The Charter of Emerging Human Rights arises
2004 February 11: Paper by James Robertson on THE ROLE OF MONEY AND FINANCE: Changing a Central Part of the Problem into a Central Part of the Solution.
All documents are available throught the ERSI website or can be accessed throught the link below