The Central Statistics Office (CSO) published the Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) "Module on the Impact of Childhood Poverty Experiences on Adult Life 2023" shedding light on how…
This policy briefing sets out Social Justice Ireland's proposals for a Programme for Government. It covers six areas: An end to poverty: improved welfare and wellbeing for allResourcing the…
‘A Europe of Equals?’ reviews the social situation in the 27 EU member states and makes some proposals and recommendations for a more sustainable and inclusive future. This report examines recent…
A trend of increasing poverty rates among older persons in the European Union is very concerning with more than 5 million additional older people across the EU experiencing poverty since 2014. Almost…
In Poverty Focus we examine the nature and experiences of poverty in Ireland. Drawing on the available statistical evidence, we outline how poverty is measured, the value of the poverty line and…
On Wednesday, 13th November 2024, Social Justice Ireland held our Annual Social Policy Conference. This year's Conference was on the theme 'Managing Change to Build a Just Society – Policy…
With a general election on the horizon, the next five years present a golden opportunity for the next Government to harness our economic success to deliver a social dividend for all. We can reverse…
Social Justice Ireland's general election briefing 'A Better and Fairer Ireland' lays out a policy agenda for transformative change and the common good. Social Justice Ireland's …
Lone parents face numerous socio-economic challenges, particularly when it comes to balancing work and the giving of care. In Ireland, lone-parent families are at a higher risk of poverty compared to…
This policy paper examines the impacts of inequality and poverty in Ireland today, then builds on (forthcoming) research undertaken by Dr Daniel Jolley and Dr Michael Hattersley at the University of…