As the Conference on the Future of Europe continues, the Report on the contributions per Member States indicate some interesting priorities for Ireland. Of the 287 total contributions made, 70 were…
A recent article by Paolo Mauro, Deputy Director of the IMF's Fiscal Affairs Department, looks at putting moral perspectives into public finances. Mauro argues that policy decisions on taxation and…
According to the March Economic Update from the Parliamentary Budget Office, Ireland's GDP experienced the highest average growth rate during the pandemic, and the third fastest growth in Q3 2021. In…
The latest Central Bank Economic Letter ‘Household Characteristics, Irish inflation and the cost of Living’ finds that lower income, rural and older households have faced a higher than average…
Social Protection Expenditure in Ireland increased by 20% between 2019 and 2020 according to the latest CSO data. Social protection expenditure was €58.2 billion in 2020, a rise of €9.8bn (20%) on…
The OECD has recently released its Covid-19 Recovery Dashboard, a selection of twenty indicators that aims to monitor the recovery of OECD countries from the pandemic. Spread across four dimensions…
Access to appropriate education and skills development from early years to adulthood is one of the key public services that enables participation in society, public life and the labour market. …
Social Justice Ireland's submission to Ireland's National Reform Programme 2022 outlines the major economic, employment and social challenges facing Ireland that should be addressed in the…
In advance of the World Economic Forum in Davos each year, Oxfam produce their report on global inequality. This year was no exception, and the report focuses on the rise in inequality in the wake of…
The Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) published an analysis of social welfare rate changes 2011-2022 in December 2021. The report looks at core social welfare rates over time, and rate changes…