Ireland is currently experiencing multiple crises, including in housing, healthcare and childcare. These crises existed prior to the arrival of large influxes of those displaced by Russia’s invasion…
Everyone has experienced the recent increases in the cost of living. But not everyone experiences these increases evenly. Analysis by the CSO indicates that, while all households experienced an…
In this socio-economic review for 2023 Social Justice Ireland presents a detailed analysis of a range of key matters which are central to social justice; a vision of Ireland’s future as a…
Ireland’s social contract is broken yet we have the resources and the capacity to deliver a new social contract. Now is the time for political will and ambition to deliver real and impactful change…
A recent publication from the Central Statistics Office looking at poverty status by health indicators shows that poverty rates and rates of enforced deprivation are higher in people who report a…
The Government’s Stability Programme Update raises major challenges for Ireland on infrastructure, taxation and income distribution. Social Justice Ireland believes a new approach is…
A new report shows that across the OECD, the average length of a job held by the same worker declined by around nine months between 2012 and 2019, and the decline has been felt across all age groups…
According to the World Happiness Report, published on the 21st March 2023, Ireland is the 14th happiest country in the world. Finland, for the sixth consecutive year, ranks first, followed by Denmark…
The High-Level Group on the Future of Social Protection and of the Welfare State in the EU has published its report ‘The Future of Social Protection and of the Welfare State in the EU’. The report…
Ireland’s initial response to the Ukrainian crisis was hailed as almost exemplary, having taken what is arguably the first “human rights first” approach to international protection in our history.…